Transformers: Zone
was the last of the Japanese cartoons, a victim of the declining
popularity of Transformers in Japan at the time. Only the first episode
was ever animated; the rest of the tale was related in
Magazine, a weekly publication that featured stories about
television characters. In
Zone, Dai Atlas leads
Sonic Bomber, Roadfire, and the Cybertron Micromasters against the
alien Volenijger and his league of resurrected Destron Generals.
Volenjiger's target are the Zodiac gems, source of the mysterious
Zodiac Power.
Zone was followed by
Return of Convoy. a story told
exclusively in
TV Magazine.
Transformers: Zone
Transformers: Zone was
supposed to be the next Transformers series in Japan, but ended up as
an Original Video Animation, along the likes of Scramble City. For some
reason, there were no other episodes produced after the very first, but
the story is told through TV Magazine.
This series featured
characters new and old. From the Victory series, it had Victory Saber,
the Micromasters and Galaxy Shuttle but then it introduced a whole new
set of Transformers called the Powered Masters. These toys actually had
battery or spring-powered motors; the new Cybertron commander was
Dai-Atlus and his assistants were Sonic Bomber and Roadfire. The three
of them had the ability to merge into a super-jet and a huge base,
named Big Powered. The bulk of the Destron forces were the gestalts
from the original Transformers run, decked out in cape and cowl --
Devastator (who has a drill as weapon), Menasor, Predaking, Abominus,
King Poseidon, Trypticon, Bruticus, Black Zarak and Overlord. The
Destrons serve under their new leader, a three-faced Quintesson-like
monster known as Violenjiger.
The first episode starts
out with the Destrons attacking a planet before the arrival of Victory
Saber and Galaxy Shuttle. The inhabitants load up into Galaxy Shuttle
and they depart just as the planet is destroyed, but Victory Saber does
not make it out after saving Kaim and his cute little Zone bunny,
Emusa. Violenjiger gathers his nine generals and orders them to capture
the Cybertron Zodiac, an energy source pretty much equivalent with the
Matrix. At the Cybertron base, things are quiet, until suddenly the
Destrons attack with Menasaur, Overlord and Abominus. The Cybertrons
try to counter with Countdown and the Air Strike patrol, but they are
completely overmatched. They try to follow the Destrons, but Black
Zarak shows up and immobilizes the rocket. As the Rescue Squad work on
repairs, Dai-Atlus and Roadfire appear, carrying a weakened and
heavily-damaged Victory Saber. The two of them are sent by Victory
Saber to retrieve the Zodiac. Meanwhile, the Destrons go wild,
attacking the Cybertrons on Earth with Predaking, Devastator, King
Poseidon and Trypticon. Suddenly, Dai-Atlus and Roadfire appear and do
battle with the gestalts. Dai-Atlus heads underground and finds the
missing Zodiac, but then Devastator and King Poseidon attack. He
manages to unleash a river of lava on top of Devastator, and King
Poseidon tries to escape with the Zodiac. The Cybertrons mange to get
it back, but now face Trypticon, Predaking and King Poseidon. Dai-Atlus
manages to unleash the power of the Zodiac and he and Sonic Bomber
transform into a powerful base, which blasts King Poseidon and
Trypticon out of the picture, leaving on Predaking, who tries to
escape. Dai-Atlus jumps on Sonic Bomber's back and chases after the
gestalt, slicing him from head to crotch, destroying him. For their
efforts, Victory Saber proclaims them heroes and names Dai Atlus as the
new commander in a grand ceremony in front of the other Cybertrons.
Later, in the series,
Violenjiger manages to recapture the Zodiac, kidnapping Kaim and his
friend Akira in the rocket that they are in. It is soon learned that
Violenjiger has the ability to split off into three robot insects. The
Cybertrons manage to defeat the trio but then he comes back as a
phoenix formed from the spirit of the dead Destrons. However,
Dai-Atlus, Sonic Bomber and Roadfire merge into Big Powered and they
destroy Violenjiger once and for all.
After receiving reports of a secret Destron plot
deep out in space, the Cybertron
warrior Sky Garry moves in to investigate in starship mode. All of a
sudden he
encounters a group of Destron warrior drones and clouds of tentacled
space charges.
He transforms to robot mode and is confronted by a drone. Confidently,
Sky Garry
cracks his knuckles and then attacks with his "Mystery Sucker Punch!"
The drone is
left stumbling with a large hole in his chest. He promptly explodes.
Sky Garry then
turns to the space charges and unleashes his strongest attack, "Plasma
Power!" He
easily eradicates the devices and radios his teammate, Grandus. Grandus
is busy
doing battle on the Destron base, Lucifer. Astonished, Sky Garry
realizes that only
the original Convoy could save them and end the war. Elsewhere in space
mysterious being called Dark Nova (Who has a more than passing
resemblance to the
Vok aliens from Beast Wars) describes his plans to rule the universe.
Meanwhile on Earth an arctic oil drilling station
is being ransacked by Destron
drones for energy. Instantly, Megatron erupts from the ice in a sleek
new Super
Mode (complete with an "SM" symbol on his helmet). The rig workers run
for their
lives as Super Megatron laughs hysterically above their heads. Megatron
reaches down
and plucks up one of the helpless workers. Showing a more vicious side,
Megatron slowly licks the poor bastard and informs him that he will be
eaten as a
snack. All of a sudden the Cybertron train warriors arrive on the scene
to disturb
his meal. They quickly fuse into Sixrunner and attack. Annoyed,
Megatron shoves them
aside effortlessly with one hand. Sixrunner slams hard against a wall
but quickly
gets back to his feet and tackles Super Megatron to the ground.
Megatron drops the
rig worker who quickly escapes to safety. Suddenly Sixrunner is hit by
from a team of Destron drones. Smoking and immobile, he collapses and
wonders when
Convoy will arrive to stop Super Megatron. Megatron walks over to a
glass box the
rig workers are now imprisoned in and informs them they will be the
refreshments at
his victory party.
All of a sudden there is a blinding explosion of
light which catches the Destrons
off guard. Star Convoy comes down from the sky. Megatron is less than
pleased to see
is old nemesis functioning again. Relieved, Sixrunner gets to his feet
and cheers
Convoy on. Star Convoy tells Megatron to stand down and surrender.
Super Megatron
then replies that the Megatron he knew was no more, he is Super
Megatron now. Convoy
retorts that he's about as "super" as a super market. Super Megatron
raises his
Fusion Cannon to strike but before he can fire Star Convoy lands a
powerful blow to
his face. Immediately Megatron returns with an uppercut and proclaims
that the
energy has made him stronger than ever before. Super Megatron then
shouts "Power
Up!" and transforms into his new jetfighter mode. He quickly strafes
Convoy with
gunfire as the rig workers look on in horror. Convoy transforms into
his enhanced
truck mode and speeds off away from the rig workers. To draw Megatron
away from the
innocent people Star Convoy baits him into following. Super Megatron is
far from
impressed and chases after Convoy. At top speed Star Convoy heads
directly for an
oil tank surrounded by drones. The drones flee in terror but are
crushed beneath his
wheels. Defying gravity Convoy drives vertically up the side of the
tank and
straight into the air. Shocked and unable to stop in time Megatron
crashes nose
first into the oil tank. In mid air Convoy transforms to robot mode and
sends a
blast from his gun straight to the tank. Star Convoy lands as the oil
tank explodes
with Megatron stuck inside. Horribly injured, Megatron flies off
swearing vengeance
on Convoy. Sixrunner replies that Convoy is no more, he is Star Convoy
now. As the
sun sets behind the horizon the freed rig workers cheer their thanks to
Star Convoy.
Star Convoy assures them that as long as he is around the Destrons will
never win.
Sixrunner shouts his agreement with excitement and Generation One comes
to a close.