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![]() Soundwave Allegiance: Decepticon Function: Communications First Comic Appearance: Transformers #1 "Cries and screams are music to my ears." Profile: It is said that Soundwave can hear a fly sneeze. It is also said that beneath his smooth-talking, affable surface beats the generator coil of a blackmailer. Those who know these two facts about him are very careful about what they say within earshot of him. Soundwave is the ultimate opportunist and will use anything he can to advance his status in the eyes of the Decepticon Leader Megatron. He doesn't worry about what others think of him because he knows he is nearly indispensable. Although they all despise him, the other Decepticons pretend to like him rather than get on his bad side. As Rumble explains, "Soundwave always has the last laugh." Abilities: Soundwave's sensors can detect radio transmissions of the lowest energy levels. He can even "read minds" by monitoring the electrical impulses inside someone's brain circuitry, if he's standing nearby. He serves as the Decepticons' communications relay station- he can keep them all in radio contact with each other within a radius of 100 miles. His photographic memory is due to the immense information storage capacity of the magnetic disks in his chest. He carries a high-amplification directional radiowave sensor and a concussion blaster-gun. He also has great physical strength. Weaknesses: Soundwave sometimes gets overconfident about his value to the others. At times his hateful personality has resulted in retaliation from them, or worse yet, his abandonment during battle with the Autobots. So far, Soundwave has not only survived these incidents, but has seen to it that his betrayers pay for their actions. |
With the help of the Constructicons, Soundwave was able to send a transmission to Cybertron alerted the Decepticons there of the Transformers on Earth.
Soundwave devised the plan that allowed a frozen Megatron to receive fuel, allowing him to function again.
When Shockwave and Megatron were about to fight to decide who would lead the Decepticons, Soundwave stopped the fight by alerting them to a transmission from Straxus.
Later, Megatron wanted to challenge prime to a duel to the death. He gave Runamuck and Runabout orders to cause chaos to attract Prime's attention. When Soundwave offered a direct approach, he received an engine to the face.
When the Autobots arrived to rescue Buster, Soundwave notified Scorponok and Ratbat of their arrival. During the Hunt for Starscream, Soundwave and Fort Max led the strike force in Buenos Aires. Although blasted by Starscream, Soundwave survived.
When the Autobots surrendered to the Decepticons, Soundwave was assigned the job to guard Optimus. Optimus knocked him, giving himself, Hot-Rod, and Kup the chance to escape.
As Scorponok battled Shockwave, Soundwave acted as commander of the Decepticons. Mindwipe then hypnotized him. Kup used this advantage to stop the Decepticon fighting.
Soundwave was teleported to Cybertron along with the rest of the Transformers. He fought in the Unicorn War and survived. He went with the other Decepticons to Klo where the Autobots defeated them.
During Generation 2, he assumed his role as right-hand robot to Megatron. His main role was to notify Megatron of robots coming and going. Soundwave was commander when Megatron was not present. When Jhiaxus apparently destroyed Megatron, Soundwave ordered the rest of the Decepticons to search for Megatron until they found out if he was alive or dead. When Megatron was on Earth with Optimus when Jhiaxus struck, Soundwave gave the orders for the Decepticons to evacuate. When the Transformers we know were fighting Jhaixus's warriors while worrying about the Swarm, Soundwave kept tabs on signals from Megatron. It is safe to assume that he survived the Swarm.
Galvatron, the future version of Megatron, travels back from 2006 to 1987, along with Scourge and Cyclonus. There both Megatron and Soundwave are attacked by them and buried under a rock fall. A group of Autobots led by Jetfire attempting to rescue Jazz, who has been captured by Galvatron, free Soundwave and Megatron and strike a bargain with them so that they are able to defeat Galvatron. While attacking Cyclonus Soundwave and Megatron again are attacked but this time by Starscream. Eventually Galvatron returns to 2006.
Sometime later Megatron and Shockwave are at odds again. The earth based Decepticon armies were split into two factions, those loyal to Megatron and those loyal to Shockwave. Soundwave was loyal to Megatron or so it seemed. It was later revealed that Soundwave was in fact a double agent for Shockwave. Megatron, releasing that there is a double agent in his group, orders Soundwave to find him not realizing that it is Soundwave who is the double agent. Soundwave tricks Megatron into thinking that Stunticon Wildrider is the double agent and Megatron destroys him. Eventually Starscream finds out about Soundwave being a double agent and strikes a deal with him. Between them they set up Megatron and Shockwave to fall into an Autobot ambush and take joint control of the Decepticons.
Sometime before 2008 Soundwave takes sole control of the Decepticons. He leads an ambush against the Autobots on Cybertron after a tip off from the Quintessons. However they double cross him but the Autobots come to his aid as they link up to combat a common foe. However in 2009 Soundwave's plans are once again thwarted by the Autobots. Seeking revenge Soundwave and a group of Decepticons follow Rodimus Prime back to 1989 where they have transported in a bid to bring Galvatron back to his proper time. When they time jump they cause a temporal rift that started when Shockwave destroyed Cyclonus 17 years before he was created, to get worse. Eventually Soundwave again agrees to join forces with the Autobots both present and future and the present day Decepticons lead by Scorponok, to stop Galvatron. Eventually Soundwave and his Decepticons travel back to 2009 in a bid to seal the rift that eventually happens when Galvatron is destroyed. It is unknown what happens to Soundwave after this event.