
Six Decepticons based on sea creatures. They consist of Snaptrap (leader, tortoise/robot), Tentakil (octopus creature/robot), Skalor (piranha creature/robot), Seawing (manta ray creature/robot), Overbite (shark creature/robot) and Nautilator (lobster creature/robot). They combine to form Piranacon (robot), usually with Overbite in weapon mode. Any Seacon other than Snaptrap was capable of becoming a weapon useable by Piranacon.

In Japan, the Seacons of Beast Wars Second resemble the original Seacons in Super God-Masterforce, but are in different color schemes. The Japanese equivalent of Nautilator is not a member of this group, and the character corresponding to Tentakil is female. Their members (along with their North American counterparts in italics) are: Halfshell (Snaptrap, leader, robot/snapping turtle), Scylla (Tentikill, robot/squid) Coelagon (Skalor, robot/fish), Terramander (Seawing, robot/manta-ray), Sea Phantom (Overbite, robot/shark). They can all merge into God Neptune (Piranacon, robot), who was armed with a sword.

Cartoon Bio (Japan):

Beast Wars Second Addendum:

The Seacons are a group of Destron Pirates, who voyaged to the planet Gaia targeting the Angolmois energy. They landed on the planet's ocean and went underwater to an ancient city to get this energy out of a well. Landing on the planet, they were easily detected by the Cybertrons, who all went out looking to see who it was.

Lioconvoy sent Scuba and Diver to go see who owned the ship that splashed down. Going under they were met by Scylla who was very interested in them, but the two escaped. Halfshell then went up using Tasmania Kid's fishing line. A fight soon started between Halfshell and the Cybertrons. Scuba and Diver were ordered to return to sea. During the fight, the Cybertrons knocked Halfshell on his back and hit him with all their firepower. When Halfshell seemed dead, all of a sudden he came back to life and started spinning around very rapidly.

The Cybertrons soon continued fighting but then Halfshell called his fellow Seacons, and they merged into God Neptune. The Cybertrons proved no match for God Neptune, until Scuba and Diver took control of the Seacons' ship. God Neptune, infuriated, pursued them into the sea. When God Neptune caught up, the two rigged the ship to explode and jumped overboard. The ship exploded, sending God Neptune airborne and making him disassemble.

The Seacons were later seen on the ocean floor in pain, with Halfshell vowing to get revenge on the Cybertrons.

Article submitted by Nick Peron.

Comic Bio (US):

The Seacons served under Ratbat and at one stage, attacked Blaster to regain possession of Raindance and Grandslam, two Autobot cassettes with vital information on the Underbase. The Seacons became part of Scorponok's army, when Ratbat was um... disabled. Well, okay, he was shot in the back by Scorponok. But he deserved it! [Ed: Well, that's a matter of opinion...]

Comic Bio (UK):

In an attempt to get additional Decepticon forces, Megatron went back in time and possessed Snaptrap's body to lead the Seacons away and save them from Starscream. However, Prowl followed Megatron back in time and stopped him.