Transformers Universe Autobot


Allegiance: Autobot

Function: Archivist

"Too much information is never enough."

Profile: Rewind is the Autobot trivia expert. His memory banks have an amazing capacity to process and store data that is of virtually no use to any one. Ask him what is the ratio of carbon to ditryllium atoms in laser pistol polish or what is the capitol of New Jersey and he'll answer without hesitation. But ask him something important, like what is the recommended way of disarming a photon-cannon drone, and he'll probably be of no help at all. Still, sometimes his knowledge of arcane facts proves to be an immense help, and Rewind is much appreciated by his fellow Autobots for it. They just wish that he would turn his attention away from encyclopedia collections and toward the war with the Decepticons more often. (By the way, the answers to to above questions are: 3,623 to 1; Telemark VI on the planet Ganzvort, Trenton on the planet Earth; and tell him his fusion line is unplugged.)

Abilities: Rewind's internal light-matrix data storage system enables him to record and store an almost infinite amount of data. His recall from memory of any individual datum is virtually instantaneous. He can also release some of the light energy and turn himself into a blinding beacon. In robot mode, he uses an adhesion rifle, which shoots a quick-drying stream of glue that unbreakably bonds metal to whatever it touches.

Weaknesses: Rewind sometimes suffers from severe cerebro-circuitry overloads, what Earthlings would call "headaches," when he attempts to absorb too much data too quickly. He is incapacitated and helpless when this happens, and he can take hours, even days to recover. He's even been known to blow out some circuitry, which usually requires major repairs.