Transformers Universe Autobot

Omega Supreme

Allegiance: Autobot

Function: Defense Base

First Comic Appearance: Transformers #19

"Unyielding resolve has no conqueror."

Profile: Omega Supreme is the ultimate defensive force. Although he has great strength, it is his even greater courage which truly distinguishes him. Against overwhelming odds, he will stand unwaveringly and fight with every last microchip of his mechanical being. His fellow Autobots consider him serious, even grim, but those with insight know the reason why: the enormity of the responsibility placed on Omega Supreme. He is designed specifically as the Autobots last line of defense. It is his job to protect the Ark and anything else considered vital to the Autobot cause. He knows that should he fall in battle, chances are there will be no other Autobots left by that point to take over his role. His is a situation Omega Supreme finds both challenging and chilling. He would have it no other way.

Abilities: In robot form, Omega Supreme possesses enormous strength and firepower. A blow from one of his arms can shatter a mountainside. With his clawed arm he can lift 300,000 tons. The plasma blaster on his other arm can pulverize a solid 12' x 12' x 12' steel cube. The laser cannon mounted on his head can hit an object as small as a can at a distance of 50 miles. His armored form is virtually impervious to all non-nuclear explosives and energy-beam weapons. He can change his form into two other forms simultaneously: a laser cannon tank and a rocket with launching pad. The launching pad can boost its rocket into planetary orbit. The rocket is adaptable to communication, military and transport uses.

Weaknesses: In both intelligence and speed, Omega Supreme is a bit slow and plodding. He makes an easy target, but his enormous firepower can usually compensate for that.

Omega Supreme is a large Autobot, capable of transforming from robot to defense station (launch bay, rocket, tracks, and tank). He is among the strongest of the Autobots, and in the cartoon continuity, the third largest, next to Metroplex and Fortress Maximus. In base mode, his tank is equipped with a laser cannon, and his rocket can achieve interplanetary travel, although that uses a lot of his energy. In robot mode, he can lift 300,000 tons with his claw arm and shoot energy blasts from the other. His lack of a left hand did not seem to impair his fighting skills. He also has a battery of weapons which fire from his head, shoulders, and chest. Omega is about head-and-shoulders taller than most gestalts, but much more powerful. He is known as the Autobots' last line of defense, but became apparently less useful after the arrival of Metroplex (and the destruction of the Ark).

Cartoon Bio (US):

Omega Supreme is the last of the 'Guardian Robots', giants who were built by the Quintessons to protect the various cities of Cybertron from the rebellious Transformers. Omega Supreme was in charge of Crystal City, said to be the most beautiful city on the planet. After the Transformers had defeated the Quintessons and their Guardians, Omega joined the Autobots in the Second Cybertronian War against the Decepticons. As with most post-Quintesson Transformers, he developed the ability to transform. He could convert into a defense base complete with rocket, launching pad, and tank; an ability the fallen Guardians had never been shown to possess.

Omega Supreme was basically a loner, save for his friendship with the then-unaffiliated Constructicons. One day, the Constructicons came calling on Crystal City to make some repairs. While inside, they were attacked by Megatron and his Robo-Smasher and were reprogrammed into Decepticons. The Constructicons then tricked Omega into leaving his post under the guise that another city was under attack; they promised to defend Crystal City in his absense. While he was away, the Constructicons betrayed him and demolished his beloved Crystal City. After it was too late, Omega realized what had happened. He hurried back to Crystal City, and tried to help his friends, but the damage could not be undone. In addition to the reprogramming, Megatron had also given the Constructicons gestalt technology. They formed Devastator and along with the Robo-Smasher attacked a startled Omega. He defended himself, destroying the Robo-Smasher and forcing Devastator to disengage. In the process, his personality was altered and now he shows little outward emotion other than his intense desire for revenge on the Constructicons.

In the following years, Omega Supreme chased the Constructions across the galaxy, seeking revenge. When he found them with Megatron on Earth, Omega naturally joined the Autobot ranks there. He has an uneasy relationship with Optimus Prime, but normally follows orders. His main duty on Earth is the protection of the Ark, but is occasionally called into action to fly into space or fight the Decepticon gestalts. He is well respected, almost feared by his comrades, and his victories over the once-invincible Devastator are the stuff of Autobot legend. Nonetheless, as powerful as he was, he was not invulnerable, as the electrum-protected Decepticons proved.