The Autobots have the Race Car Patrol (leader Roadhandler, Swindler, Tailspin, Freehandler), the Off Road Patrol (leader Powertain, Tote, Mudslinger, Highjump) and the Rescue Patrol (leader Stakeout, Seawatch, Redhot, Fixit). In the UK comic (and toy series), the Autobots also have the Battle Patrol (leader Bigshot, Flak, Sunrunner, Sidetrack), although this team has never been seen in the US comic series.
In the Decepticon Patrols, it is more difficult to distinguish who the team leader is, since there tends to be a great deal of infighting and each one tries to establish authority over the others in their group. The Decepticons have the Air Strike Patrol (Nightflight, Stormcloud, Whisper, Tailwind) and the Sports Car Patrol (Hyperdrive, Blackjack, Detour, Roadhugger).