Allegiance: Decepticon
Sub-Group: Insecticon
First Comic Appearance:
Transformers #17
Function: Espionage
"Friend is another word for fool."
Profile: Kickback is as
charming a guy as you'll ever meet- but it is a charm rooted in an
uncommonly cruel cleverness. The singular purpose of any friendship
that this Insecticon begins is to dig up embarrassing facts about the
other robot or person so that Kickback can influence his "friend" into
doing his bidding. Humans are particularly susceptible to his seductive
talents, but even Autobots have been known to succumb. The only thing
Kickback enjoys more than recruiting these unwilling double agents is
destroying them after he's exhausted their usefulness.
Abilities: In his insect
mode, Kickback can use his powerful leg modules to propel him up to
heights of 40 feet and over distances of a tenth of a mile. Although
small in this form, a single kick of his can punch a hole in a 1/4"
steel plate. In robot form he can use his wings to fly at speeds up to
30 mph for distances up to 100 miles. He carries a sub-machine gun that
can shoot up to 300 rounds per minute of armor-piercing titanium-coated
Weaknesses: Kickback's
lack of weaponry makes him extremely vulnerable in insect mode. The
nature of his leaping and flying abilities hampers his mobility in
moderate winds.