Two of the pods took the full force of the Transwarp explosion, and landed in Predacon territory. The pods' replicator systems were severely damaged and the stored data-tracks were completely destroyed. The damaged replicators were unable to form a complete Beast Mode for either protoform, so they used two separate animal patterns to complete the process. The results were Silverbolt: a wolf with the talons, feathered wings and tail-feathers of an eagle; and Quickstrike: a scaled scorpion with a cobra head instead of a stinger tail.
Without data-tracks to create personalities for the protoforms, the Fuzors would have emerged as blanks. Instead, their personal traits were formed by the strongest instincts of their animal 'donors'. The results of this were to give Silverbolt a noble and honorable personage, while Quickstrike's personality made him suitable for robbing stage coaches.
Both Fuzors emerged in a confused state, with no knowledge of Maximals, Predacons, or the Beast Wars. They didn't even know they could transforms to robots at first. Megatron took advantage of their confusion to reprogram the Fuzors access codes from a distance, before their security circuits came on line. He gave each of them the transformation code 'Terrorize!', like all Predacons. Faced with this evidence, the Fuzors joined forces with Megatron, though Silverbolt did so reluctantly. At the time, this meant the Predacons now outnumbered the Maximals seven to four.
After two major battles with the Maximals, Silverbolt came to believe he was really a Maximal, and switched sides just as Optimus Primal was returned to life, evening the odds against the Predacons. Since then, Silverbolt and Quickstrike have served their opposite sides faithfully. However, it should be noted that neither of the Fuzors have programmed alliegances, and their loyalties are based on their opinions only. Whether this will lead to betrayals remains to be seen.