Note: Their North American and European counterparts are known as the Monster Pretenders, and they came with different Pretender shells. Goryu=Icepick, Kakuryu=Slog, Rairyu=Birdbrain, Doryu=Scowl, Yokuryu=Wildfly, and Gairyu=Bristleback.
The Dinoforce first appeared on Earth during the time Star Saber lead the Cybertrons on that planet. They fought the Cybertrons many times during this period. It appeared their actions served no purpose other than random destruction and civilian deaths.
As a result of Deathsaurus's plans to destroy the Earth by using a powerful space fortress, a meteorite hit the Earth near Dinoking, damaging him greatly. Forcibly seperated, the individual units were captured and repaired by the Cybertrons. In exchange, the Dinoforce gave information about the space fortress's weaknesses. Armed with this knowledge, Star Saber and Victory Leo destroyed the space fortress and defeated the Destrons guarding it.
The Dinoforce was last seen in retirement from combat. When they were last seen, it appeared they were doing some sort of construction work. Kakuryu's Pretender shell was seen playing with some children, although it is unknown what exactly this meant.
From a reader's email: I was reading your transformers page and I came across something that seemed to imply that you did not know what the Dinoforce was doing after deathsaurus was defeated.
COIncedentally I just watched the very episode where that happened. At 6 am (Hong Kong time) a station known as STAR PLUS aires the one of three japanese transformer seasons (the headmaster one, powermaster one and Transformers Victory -is that what it's called?). They been alternating for quite sometime. Anyhow, they are all dubbed into english and use the american/british names.
What were they doing?
According to the naration (sp?) IcePick and the rest of the dino force had become the world's trash/clean up commitee while that triceratops (who's always left behind during the charges) became popular with children at some amusment park.