
Cartoon Bio (US Beast Wars):

A device used by Scorponok II that appears to be a robotic bee drone. It has been used on several occasions. The first time it was used was when Scorponok was ordered by Megatron II to use it to alter Optimus Primal's emotions, making him a coward. During a subsequent attack, Scorponok shot the bee at Primal, which attached itself to him and shut him down temporarily. After being put in the CR chamber, Optimus was restored physically, but became extremely violent. The Maximals learned that the Cyberbee had malfunctioned and turned Primal into a berserker instead of a coward, and that if they removed it, the Cyberbee would kill Optimus and then explode. Optimus escaped the Axalon and rampaged through the Predacon base, looking for the cure. When Optimus found it in Megatron's hands, he tore off the Cyberbee and threw it at Megatron, to whom it attached itself. Cheetor ran in, grabbed the cure, and administered it. Megatron was blown up by the Cyberbee, but was rebuilt.

The Cyberbee was next used when Scorponok and Blackarachnia were sent to investigate a floating island hiding in a large cloud. Scorponok used the Cyberbee to scout the floating island, where it is captured by Tigatron and used to send a message to the Maximals.

The next and final use of the Cyberbee was to survey damages on the Axalon following an Energon storm. The Cyberbee has not been used since because Scorponok has been killed.
