
No, this isn't a typo. Breastforce is a group of Destrons who have animal-body partners that transform into their breastplate armor, and also into weapons. The members are Leozack (jet/robot, leader), Hellbat (jet/robot), Drillhorn (drill/robot), Gaihawk (jet/robot), Killbison (anti-aircraft tank/robot), and Jargua/Jaguar (car with missile launchers/robot). They combine to form the gestalt Liokaiser. Among Liokaiser's abilities is the ability to fight while invisible.

Deathsaurus (dragon/robot) had two breastplate partners (Eaglebreast and Tigerbreast), which made him physically a Breastforcer. However, he is not generally considered a true member of Breastforce, since he never participated in Breastforce activities, and could not combine with Liokaiser.