
The Axalon was the original space vessel of Optimus Primal's Maximals, the heroes of the Beast Wars.

Cartoon Bio (US Beast Wars):

The Axalon was a deep space exploration vessel commissioned by the Maximal Elders. It's original space crew consisted of Optimus Primal, and three other Maximals who would later become Rhinox, Cheetor, and Rattrap. The Axalon's main mission was to explore the galaxy, similar to the original Star Trek theme. While the team of four flew the ship, a collection of 50 to 100 other Maximals were brought aboard as protoforms. When they arrived on worlds to study, the skeleton crew piloting the vessel would awaken their comrades from stasis pods, and these new Maximals would carry out duties such as botanical study, seismic testing, and other scientific studies of the planet. The Axalon was equiped with the latest Maximal technology, including CR chambers for the crew's repairs, a full stasis pod hold, and emergency replicator scannners for hostile worlds. It was ill-equiped for battle, but still possessed standard plasma cannons and particle beams for protection.

The Axalon also possessed a second, darker mission, known only to Primal and the future Rhinox. One of their stasis pods was painted with a giant yellow 'X', marking the resting place of the malevolent Protoform X, a failed attempt to recreate Starscream's mutant, indestructable spark in a Maximal. Primal's duty was to dump Protoform X's stasis pod somewhere where he could never harm anyone again. Like a black hole.

After launching from its space port on Cybertron, the Axalon's mission changing significantly. Just after their departure, a team of Predacon terrorists led by Megatron stole the Maximal relic, the Golden Disk, hijacked an experimental Transwarp ship called Darkside, and blew up the space port behind them. The Axalon was the obnly ship in flight, so they were charged with bringing back the Predacons.

Primal led his skeleton crew through Megatron's Transwarp gateway to another time and place. Over an unknown planet, both the Axalon and Darkside were shot down, victim of each others' cannons. Before passing through the planet's atmosphere, Primal ordered all stasis pods launched into orbit. He feared that they might not survive the crash, so he wanted his helpless crewmates to survive. However, in his haste, Primal allowed Protoform X's stasis pod to be launched with the others.

The Axalon and Darkside crashlanded on different parts of the planet, and it was obvious from the start that neither vessel would be flying any time soon. Primal's onboard scanners detected an overflow of ambient energon in the atmosphere. Any mechanical being exposed to the atmosphere for longer than a few cycles would go into stasis lock. Therefore, Primal activated the Axalon's replicator systems to create organic beast modes for his crew, giving them a form in which they could survive on the planet.

Once the Beast Wars began, the Axalon served as the Maximals' main base of operations. Early in the Beast Wars, after a freak explosion convinced the Maximals that the Predacons were all dead, they were able to use parts from the Darkside to rebuild the Axalon, and started to lift-off for Cybertron. However, the Predacons' destruction was a ruse and a thrown tail-missle launcher by Megatron brought the Axalon back down to the planet, never to fly again. However, it continued to serve as the Maximals' base.