Alpha Trion

Alpha Trion is one of the oldest known Transformers, and is generally believed to have been responsible for the construction of Optimus Prime and Elita-1's bodies. When last seen, he was merged in both mind and body with Vector Sigma.

Cartoon Bio (US):

Alpha Trion, known only by the designate A-3, a female named Beta, and others led a rebellion against the Quintessons. The Autobot insignia, it seemed, was actually a slave brand! They were helped by Blaster, Blurr, Wreck-Gar, Ramhorn, and Rewind, who were accidently transported there by the Quintessons, who were trying to change history. A-3 was temporarily transported into the future at this time.

Around the beginning of the Autobot-Decepticon conflict, Alpha Trion repaired a young Orion Pax and his friends after their unsuccessful attempt to stop Megatron. They become Optimus Prime and Elita-1 (It is unknown if the third friend, Dion, was rebuilt as well). Alpha Trion became an advisor for both Elita-1 and Optimus and after Optimus left for Earth, he helped the females by supplying them with new technology to help their cause. Alpha Trion helped Optimus save Elita-1's life, somewhat confusing Prime with the knowledge only his maker would know.

Alpha Trion was the keeper of the key to Vector Sigma, a supercomputer capable of granting life to Transformers, until it was stolen forcefully by Megatron. He led Prime to Vector Sigma and merged himself with it to reactivate the computer. He was, it seemed, the last remaining key to Vector Sigma.

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